How do I check the availability of a garment?
On our website each garment has a calendar where full availability is viewable. If the date of your event is unable to be clicked on it, then it is unavailable. If you are able to select the date, then the garment is available
When I book a rental, what date do I select?
Select the date you'll be wearing the garment and we'll get it to you 1-2 days prior. Please DO NOT select an earlier date so that you receive it earlier, this can cause a lot of stress and confusion on our end. 
Where are you located, can I pick up my rental instead of having it posted?
We are located in Christchurch and offer a pick up service for our locally based customers. At checkout just select "Pick up/drop off" as your shipping option and you will be contacted via email a few days before your wearing date with pick up info.
When do I post my rental back?
We require all rentals to be posted back the day after your event. In most cases this is Monday. All you have to do is hand your rental, in the prepaid postage bag provided, over the counter at your local NZ Post Shop so the tracking is activated - super simple! Failure to do so will result in a late fee of $10 per day that it is not returned. 
Do you offer a try on service? If so, how do I book one?
Yes we do! If you're Christchurch based you're more than welcome to come to our location to try on our collection. You can book your try on via the 'try on' button on our website
Can I bring a friend to a fitting or does she have to book a separate time?
Absolutely! The more the merrier - it's always handy to get others opinions so definitely feel free to bring a friend along or come as a group! We can hold groups of up to 5 people. All information regarding try ons can be found on our try on page and we will send additional information to you when you book your try on. 
Can I rent an item for an event/holiday overseas?
Yes of course! We do extended rentals for a fee, which all depends on the length of time that you'll be requiring the garment. For more information flick us an email with your holiday dates and garment of choice.
How much is postage?
Standard shipping is $10 and rural is $15. This includes non-signature overnight courier to you, and prepaid non-signature overnight courier bag for you to return your rental to us in. This information can be found at checkout. 
When is the latest I can place an order for the upcoming weekend?
The postal cut off for weekend rentals is 3pm on Thursdays. As posting this late in the week does not leave any extra days to cater for postal mishaps, there is a chance that your parcel may not be delivered in time and you are placing the order at your own risk. This is very unlikely but in the event that an order placed on a Thursday does not arrive in time, we will be unable to provide a refund.
Do I wash the garment before posting it back to you?
Nope - cleaning is on us! Some of our garments are very delicate and we'd hate for them to be ruined by being washed incorrectly, so to avoid the hassle we handle all cleaning ourselves. 
Please note: anything including but not limited to: stains, rips, tears, stretching, pulling, will incur an extra cost on top of the rental fee. This tends to be $10-50, but if the garment is unable to be repaired to the original condition, it will need to be replaced at your expense. Renting an item through our website means that you agree to cover the cost of repairing any damage, or replacing any item, that you have rented.
If I book a rental and change my mind, can I get a refund?
Unfortunately not, we can offer you a store credit equal to the amount paid. If you are wanting to swap your chosen garment for another item in our collection that's super doable so just let us know what you'd like to swap to and we can sort out the difference!
Do you offer postal try ons?
Unfortunately at this stage we don't offer postal try ons, as we require all garments at our location in case they get booked for a rental. We are more than happy to send measurements and photos upon request.
When will my rental arrive?
We aim to get all rentals booked for Fridays/Saturdays posted on either Tuesday or Wednesday depending on whether the garment has been worn the weekend prior and requires dry cleaning. All parcels are posted with overnight courier. For mid-week rentals things are a little different as the turn around time is shorter, but we still aim to get your rental to you at least one day before your event.
What if my rental doesn't fit or I don't end up wearing it?
Unfortunately we cannot offer a refund if your chosen rental doesn't fit/look good. This is the risk you take when hiring a garment, although we feel we provide enough sizing info and photos to help you gage whether or not the garment will be the right size for you! If for some reason you are unable to attend your event/do not end up wearing your rental, we cannot offer a refund. 
If I don't wear the dress, can one of my friends wear it instead?
We only allow this if you let us know prior to your friends wearing it, however, if you allow a friend to wear it without permission, we will be charging you another full rental fee for the dress. 
Do you post outside of NZ? 
Unfortunately not at this time